There are supplements that target a specific illness to more general healthcare supplements.
To top up a Parrot’s diet with any vitamins and minerals they may be missing from their diet, encourage your customers to buy these additional vitamins and minerals. They are ready to buy in a powdered or liquid format to allow them to be added to food or water.
If your customers are beginning the difficult task of hand-rearing their Parrot then there are specialised breeder supplements to help breeding birds and their chicks, to ensure they get the best start in life.
Find a good selection of treatments and cures for common Parrot problems such as feather plucking and fussy eating.
It is always good to have a good supply of illness and emergency products to recommend to your customer in case they come to you when their Parrot is unwell. We have products that give an energy boost, provide emergency nutrition and more.
Always suggest your customer speaks to an avian vet if they suspect their Parrot is unwell.