Take a look at our quality cages designed with many unique features.
We have a well-designed range of small cages for smaller pet birds, whether your customer has a Finch, Canary, Budgerigar or Cockatiel.
These Budgerigar and Canary Cages have well thought out features that offer excellent value. They are easy to put together, simple to clean and straightforward to maintain. Simply add the feeders onto the walls of the cage so the Parrot can enjoy a nice meal or use one of the multiple openings to place food or toys in the Parrot’s cage.
They are fantastic Budgie and Canary Cages to start with if your customer is a first time bird keeper, or if they're looking to upgrade their small bird`s existing cage.
You will definitely find a wonderful new cage for Budgerigars or Canaries right here.