Welcome to Northern Pet Trade’s blog. Here you'll find lots of useful information about everything you and your customer need to know about caring for companion Parrots.
Grooming products for dogs and cats have been popular for years, and I’m sure you’ve seen demand for small animal grooming accessories grow too. But are you missing out on even more sales and profit? Our blog reveals more.
It is a pretty well accepted fact that pet birds and Parrots require a varied diet, yet even some 30 years on after this discovery it is reported by avian veterinarians that malnutrition is still the underlying cause of around 75% of the medical problems they encounter.
Extendable leads, car harnesses and carriers are a few of the more obvious ones for your dog, cat and small animal customers, but what options are there for pet birds and Parrots? This blog discusses some of the options available.
As they have an intelligence level equal to that of a four year old child, Parrots need lots of mental stimulation. Stocking foraging toys for your customer's Parrot is one way to do that, as our blog explains.